It's been a while since I had such a packed weekend and a while since I was so desperate for sleep afterwards.
On the Friday we hired out a hall in Murry Park School for a practice with ourselves and the members of Sinfonia Viva, who we've been collaborating with since we performed 'Paper Aeroplanes' with them at the Assembly Rooms earlier this year. The session on Friday was 8 hours long in which time we practiced the old material and also wrote and arranged a whole new piece. From scratch. It's about 9 mins long and entitled 'Air Bourn'... we think... for the time being anyway. We even managed to incorporate a really old bit of James Warner music we never got round to using in a proper song into it. Recycling is good kids.
Saturday was an even longer day starting at 11am with Kate picking me up and driving to Off the Tracks festival down in Castle Donnington where we'd been drafted in to fill a slot left by a band pulling out, well two slots actually, and who do they call when they're in a tight fix? Good old trusty James Warner and his Prophecies. So with no thought for our own safety we stepped up and played two sets for them, one at around 2pm on the main stage and an acoustic gig at around 6pm, both of which seemed to go down pretty well. Sold a fair few albums, made a few new fans, some contacts, all in all a success, if a little tiring.

We made the most of the break in between sets by creating works of art.
Kate was so in awe of Joe's creations she asked for an autograph, which he graciously gave.
As soon as we were done at Off the Tracks it was off again to play our third gig of the day at the Bell and Crown in Snaith as the headline band at Snaithfest 2008. For the drive up we enlisted the help of our old friend Scott and his magical driving powers (legend has it he vowed only to use his powers for good many years ago).

upon arriving at the Bell and Crown we were met by masses of people packing the place out, so much so that it was difficult to even get the equipment into the place. But goddamn it, we're professionals and barged our way in very... professionally. We then played probably the most sweat filled gig but entirely enjoyable set we've played in a long time. We topped off the set by playing Hazel as a special request, but an awful rock tit version of it. Fun to play, but not for human ears as such.

Joe was actually wringing his T-shirt out by the time we'd finished.
Home at 2am that night listening to a spot of Iron Maiden on the drive back. Did you know they do guitar solos from time to time? No, neither did I, was pretty surprised.
Up again on Sunday to be at Darley Park at 11:30am to set up for our performance with Viva. Man it was wet, the rain started at about 12:30 and didn't let up until we'd left. Kudos to the people who came down in their droves and braved the miserable weather, I especially like the "fuck you British weather" attitude of this couple...
Here's some more pics from the day.
Kate was impressed he was given a stand, forced me to take picture. She scares me.
Deirdre and Tim from Viva
Marianne from Viva braving the rain.
The performance went really well, we opened the concert with two pieces of music that seemed to go down really well. I think it may have been the largest sound system we've played through yet, it was certainly big enough to carry across the whole park which made me a little nervous as I had two or three sections where I take the lead with bass. I think I started to over think it all but I think I got away with it and didn't mess up to any degree where people would point and laugh at me. Had some great feedback from the people in charge so maybe there's a chance of being invited back next year, wild speculation of course, but would be cool.
I'm ashamed to say that we didn't stop till the end of the night as the rain and lack of sleep was just too much for us, we needed to get home and rest up, we'd played 4 gigs in two days and driven over 200 miles, so until the next time we do something daft it's good bye from a tired but happy James Warner.
Yes we did cancel band practice the next day. Sleep was a more appealing option.