Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Our latest news jan and feb 09
Monday, 3 November 2008
Sing - Video by James Sharpe
Well folks, it's finally here and worth the wait. Thank you to everyone who took part in the making of it and we hope you enjoy it!
Go to the youtube page here to find it and leave us a comment or two, let us know what you think. While you're at it go check out some of James' other videos and give him a shout out.
(be sure to watch in 'high quality')
Here are a few screen shots to whet your appetites.
James Warner
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Road to Music Video - Part 4, 2nd days shoot
Well it's all wrapped up, done and dusted and now we play the waiting game while it's all edited, colour graded, cooked, seasoned and uploaded. The second day of filming the video went better than we'd hoped even though there were around 20 mins, mid morning where the heavens opened up. Needless to say after the sunshine of the previous day's shoot and the thought of continuity in the back of our minds, we shat ourselves. Luckily it didn't last and towards the end of the day the clouds gave way and we even had some more sun come out.
We spent the day solely at Belper River Gardens, starting at 8am again and working through until 6pm, after which the band treated all the crew to a drink or two in the local as way of a thanks for all the time and effort they've put in for free, cheers guys.
There also has to be a huge thank you to all the fans who came down to be in the crowd shot, we really really appreciated it and you all did an amazing job of jumping about like silly buggers over and over again while we got the shots we needed. There will be a special thank you message and an unreleased track winging its way to you all shortly. If anyone didn't put their email address down on the day please email us at band@jameswarner.co.uk and we'll put you on the list (and yes, I can remember who was and wasn't there, so no freebies for the rest of ya!)
We will be previewing the finished video at our gig on Nov 1st at the Vic Inn, Derby (you guys who were in it will get a special link to it before then though). So come down and see how it all turned out. I think it's going to be lovely.
Thanks again
Sunday, 14 September 2008
filming weekend
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Road to music video - Part 3, first days shoot
I'll keep it short and sweet for this instalment as I'm knackered, as are we all. We spent most of today in Matlock by the riverside in the glorious sunshine filming the first half of our music video. A crew of 5, another 2 assistants (Carl and Scott, I'm sorry, you'll now be referred to as 'the bitches' from here on in) and the 4 of us all working hard and lazing about in the sun from about 8am till 5pm.
Joe singing at the top of his lungs to the recording because lip syncing just didn't seem very natural, the rest of us making small kids cry by not letting them use the swings and roundabouts and me realising I didn't need to play the right notes on bass, just look like I'm having fun.
We were all amazed by the sun today, it had been forecasting rain all week and it turned out to be one of the nicest days of the last few months. There must be a catch.
Here's hoping for another good day tomorrow. This video is going to be simply lovely, take it from me.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
What happens when you tape a camera to Joe's head during band practice?
Well, here for your viewing pleasure is a video depicting just that. Also check out the relatively new song 'Fashionable place of birth'... 2nd single material? What do you think?
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Road to music video - part 2
Here are the actors we've got for the music video shoot next weekend, complete with costumes.
David Lankester & Amy Scott
More pictures coming soon plus details of when and where to be, to be in the video.
Monday, 1 September 2008
Orange Unsigned Act - Voting open now & hear the new single 'Sing'
We're asking for your votes this year in the Orange Unsigned Acts competition for channel 4. The voting has started and will go on until the 14th September, you can vote once a day, so please do if you get the chance!
This is the ONLY place you can hear the new single 'Sing' so if you want to check it out then please leave us a vote in the process... We owed it to ourselves and to all you guys to try and reach a little higher and give it a go, so lets try and put us and the Derby music scene on the map. Plus lets face it, it would be really funny to see us on TV.
All it takes is for you to sign up here (takes 34 seconds, I timed it)
Then go here and vote for us once a day for the duration of the competition.
The Unsigned site isn't the best one ever made but stick with it and try to cast your votes, we'd really genuinely appreciate all your help with this. Thanks guys
Sam, Joe, Kate & Dan
The weekend that nearly killed us
It's been a while since I had such a packed weekend and a while since I was so desperate for sleep afterwards.
On the Friday we hired out a hall in Murry Park School for a practice with ourselves and the members of Sinfonia Viva, who we've been collaborating with since we performed 'Paper Aeroplanes' with them at the Assembly Rooms earlier this year. The session on Friday was 8 hours long in which time we practiced the old material and also wrote and arranged a whole new piece. From scratch. It's about 9 mins long and entitled 'Air Bourn'... we think... for the time being anyway. We even managed to incorporate a really old bit of James Warner music we never got round to using in a proper song into it. Recycling is good kids.
Saturday was an even longer day starting at 11am with Kate picking me up and driving to Off the Tracks festival down in Castle Donnington where we'd been drafted in to fill a slot left by a band pulling out, well two slots actually, and who do they call when they're in a tight fix? Good old trusty James Warner and his Prophecies. So with no thought for our own safety we stepped up and played two sets for them, one at around 2pm on the main stage and an acoustic gig at around 6pm, both of which seemed to go down pretty well. Sold a fair few albums, made a few new fans, some contacts, all in all a success, if a little tiring.
We made the most of the break in between sets by creating works of art.
Kate was so in awe of Joe's creations she asked for an autograph, which he graciously gave.
As soon as we were done at Off the Tracks it was off again to play our third gig of the day at the Bell and Crown in Snaith as the headline band at Snaithfest 2008. For the drive up we enlisted the help of our old friend Scott and his magical driving powers (legend has it he vowed only to use his powers for good many years ago).
upon arriving at the Bell and Crown we were met by masses of people packing the place out, so much so that it was difficult to even get the equipment into the place. But goddamn it, we're professionals and barged our way in very... professionally. We then played probably the most sweat filled gig but entirely enjoyable set we've played in a long time. We topped off the set by playing Hazel as a special request, but an awful rock tit version of it. Fun to play, but not for human ears as such.
Joe was actually wringing his T-shirt out by the time we'd finished.
Home at 2am that night listening to a spot of Iron Maiden on the drive back. Did you know they do guitar solos from time to time? No, neither did I, was pretty surprised.
Up again on Sunday to be at Darley Park at 11:30am to set up for our performance with Viva. Man it was wet, the rain started at about 12:30 and didn't let up until we'd left. Kudos to the people who came down in their droves and braved the miserable weather, I especially like the "fuck you British weather" attitude of this couple...
Here's some more pics from the day.
Kate was impressed he was given a stand, forced me to take picture. She scares me.
Deirdre and Tim from Viva
Marianne from Viva braving the rain.
The performance went really well, we opened the concert with two pieces of music that seemed to go down really well. I think it may have been the largest sound system we've played through yet, it was certainly big enough to carry across the whole park which made me a little nervous as I had two or three sections where I take the lead with bass. I think I started to over think it all but I think I got away with it and didn't mess up to any degree where people would point and laugh at me. Had some great feedback from the people in charge so maybe there's a chance of being invited back next year, wild speculation of course, but would be cool.
I'm ashamed to say that we didn't stop till the end of the night as the rain and lack of sleep was just too much for us, we needed to get home and rest up, we'd played 4 gigs in two days and driven over 200 miles, so until the next time we do something daft it's good bye from a tired but happy James Warner.
Yes we did cancel band practice the next day. Sleep was a more appealing option.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
lots of gigs n stuff

The practice on Friday with Viva players (Andy, Tim, Matt and Deidre) was great fun, between us we started to piece together our ideas to create the new piece for Sunday. It was a long day as we set up at 1p.m and then practised till 8.30 and then had to shift a PA around, but worth it.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Solfest 2008 write up - Sam's take (now with added pictures)
Fuck Reading and Leeds, Solfest was the festival to be over the August bank holiday. It's like a smaller, friendlier version of Glastonbury without the overcrowding or crime/drugs. It's been voted Britain's most family friendly festival of '07 and I have to say it's a lovely way to spend 3 days.
After a 5 hour drive up to North Cumbria, near Carlisle, and another 45 mins stuck in a queue to get onto the site we were finally ushered out of the line into the 'artists car park' and yes, we felt very smug and special bypassing the waiting masses in their cars. We are a fucking rock band after all! Unfortunately it was pretty late in the day by then and the artists' camp site was full... as were all the others so we still ended up in a makeshift site farthest from the main site. Not so smug now are we?
Friday night we set up camp, myself, Joe and his lady friend Eve, Kate and her son and Simon our God like driver for the weekend (Dan came down with his lady friend on the Sunday due to having a wedding to go to). After the setting up we wandered up to the main site and caught Alabama 3 who were pretty good fun, watched a bit of Bad Manners on the Bar Stage where we were playing on Sunday and then left when Roisin Murphy of Moloko fame took to the main stage as by this time we were all pretty knackered.
Thank God we had some neighbours in the camper van next to us willing to keep the festival spirit alive by playing utter crap on their car stereo at full volume until 2am, we were worried for a second there we'd have to go to sleep or something. Aging hippy bastards.
Luckily we didn't have to wait long in the morning for the party to recommence again. 7:30am and we awoke to the sounds of Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield.
The sounds of Joe shouting "Can you turn that fucking sonic diarrhoea off!? C***S!" carried across the campsite rather satisfactorily I thought. Slight echo. The sonic diarrhoea continued throughout the weekend with Kate's son Torrin suggesting we spray paint "GARY GLITTER - ON TOUR 2008" down the side of their van. I loved him for that.
Saturday we spend the whole day pretty much getting sunburned, shopping in all the little festival stalls and watching as many of the bands we we could.
Around midday I got a call from the Bar Stage supervisor asking if we'd like to swap our set on Sunday for a Main stage set on Saturday as a band from Austria couldn't get there until Sunday. We were tempted but obviously Dan wasn't at the festival yet so it would have had to have been an acoustic set, at an earlier time than we'd have had on the Sunday so we said thank-you but declined the invitation. We'd have lost the chance to play a full band set and that's what we were there to do, plus it would have been a shame for Dan to miss out on playing altogether. Of course, we sacked him when he arrived the next day yet again. He takes his sackings like a man, I'll give him that. Was pretty cool that they thought of us to fill the gap on the main stage though, I thought it boded well for chances of being invited back next year maybe? So long as we played well on Sunday.
Saturday was fancy dress day at the festival, a tradition they always have on the Saturday and I thought it was a great idea. There were some truly inspired costumes wandering about the place. Joe made friends with Jack Sparrow and a group of girls all dressed as Wally (as in where's Wally). I saw an 8 foot tall man on stilts dressed as the BFG and even some guy who'd obviously thought to himself "Who can I go as that won't have been done before? Fuck it, I'll go as Noo Noo from the tellytubbies". And he did just that. My fancy dress extended to wearing a hat.
We caught a few songs of Chas and Dave but I felt they didn't live up to the hype as there's only so many cheeky, cockney piano songs you can listen to in a row really. We did have some rather lovely sautéed potatoes and garlic mushrooms down by the acoustic stage though. Num num. We checked out the dance tent as well and Joe vowed to jig the night away after the bands were finished, apparently he was "up for it" that night.
We watched the Pipettes on the main stage who were pretty fun in a 50's 'do wop' kinda way. the headliners that night were Supergrass who were really rather good, although you were sort of hoping they'd skip the newer stuff and play the earlier singles, which is bad but then again it was a festival... we expect the hits damn it! Richard III was my musical highlight I think, tune.
We waited around to meet Joe to go to the Dance tent but couldn't find him in the crowd so decided bed was the better option only to find him back at the camp site chilling out with Kate... up for it my arse.
We awoke to find ourselves trapped in the past, facing mirror images that were not our own and driven by an unknown force to change history for the better. Wait, no that's not right, we woke up to Ozzy Osbourn at full blast again at 7:30am. Bloody hippies and their camper vans!
We drove Joe's car up to the site to be ready to unload the equipment later in the day and when we got to the site watched a bit of Tiny Tin Lady playing a chilled out acoustic set on the main stage. Their rendition of every 90's dance hit rolled into one song divided the JWP troop with me being quite impressed and Joe wishing he'd never heard it. We also discovered we were entitled to a free meal. Result. It wasn't very good. Damn.
Dan arrived with his lady and her dad. We rejoiced. Then fired him.
I'd booked us in to play a short set on the festival site radio station the previous day so we showed up there and played a couple of acoustic songs for them. We dedicated Ode to the donor card to the hippy couple back at the camp site.
After a bit of dosing by the acoustic stage it was time to get ready to rock, we re-hired Dan and set up all our crap in the Bar Stage. Unfortunately our soundcheck was at exactly the same time as Misty's Big Adventure were playing the main stage, who were one of the bands I was really trying to check out. We even had to start our set before they had finished theirs as the main stage was running 5 mins late. However, we played a good set, kept to the upbeat tracks and hopefully made an impact on the slowly growing crowd.
I attempted to throw a banana into the crowd on the line "'ave a banana" in one of our new songs, in an effort to look cool but ended up throwing it into one of the drapes hanging from the ceiling where it possibly still is to this day. But the main news is that I had my first ever pair of knickers thrown at me! That's right, I am now officially a sex God, although as the compare stated "If you get a pair of knickers thrown at you on the first day of a festival you're in luck, if it's on the third day of a festival you're in trouble". After baying from the crown I donned said pair of knickers and continued to look a twat for the remainder of the gig. All good clean (?) fun though.
Some great feedback from people after the set was over, lots of hello's, thank you's and 'cheers for watching's. Sold out of albums and made enough money to treat ourselves to some of the profits rather than sticking it back into the JWP money machine, which was really nice as it very rarely happens.
A quick pack up of the tent later and I was off back home, hitching a lift back with Dan as I had work the next day (bank holiday, double pay, not to be missed). We waved goodbye to Solfest and the rest of the band. "Bye bye Solfest and rest of the band" I said to myself as we pulled out of the site. "I hope I never see you again you bunch of arseholes". Only kidding, I'm such a card.
A quick stop off at a hideously over-priced motorway services where I managed to evade paying for my chicken and bacon panini. Well I told the guy it was a ham and cheese and got 50p knocked off it. That's now utterly rock and roll I am. Well he wasn't paying attention and I was annoyed.
Home at 2am and back to the dull cycle of getting up early for work. Sigh. Still, great weekend.
You'll have to ask Kate and Joe what happened for the rest of the festival. I'm hoping hippy couple didn't let them down and amazed them with yet more bilge at 7am, I'm also hoping Joe did something unspeakable to their van as punishment, but at this time that's all speculation.